~Carmen Vinaja-Esparza~ I want to thank all of my Guel family for being the best supporting, and loving family anybody can wish for. All of you are great. Love you guys. ~Marisol R. Esparza-Aguayo~ My Abuelo was a Great example to us. He raised 7…

~Carmen Vinaja-Esparza~ I want to thank all of my Guel family for being the best supporting, and loving family anybody can wish for. All of you are great. Love you guys. ~Marisol R. Esparza-Aguayo~ My Abuelo was a Great example to us. He raised 7…
Alicia Ceja Guel, known as Licha to family and friends, was born on July 6, 1929 in Nuevo Laredo – Tamaulipas, Mexico. What she lacked in her childhood of modern conveniences were more than made up for by her strong sense of family commitment taught…
Grandma Carmen’s parents, Rosendo Corrales and Teresa Otero were very much in love, so much so that they married against their parents’ wishes. From this great love, our grandmother, Carmen Corrales was born on June 19, 1910 in the town of Cosala , Sinaloa ,…
During the Mexican Revolution of 1910, la Familia Guel lived in the city of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. The head of the family, Juan Guel, was drafted by the Federales, while his oldest son, Marciano Guel, was drafted by the Revolutionary Army. His wife, Simona,…
What kind of honor is it to receive an award for being ‘unsung heroes’ anyway? Every generation in my family has stood up for our values in the face of a volatile political climate. History repeats itself for Latinos in the United States. But we…
As dictated by Luis Guel to his granddaughter, Lydia Guel I was a part of the 151st evacuation hospital in the Korean War. We would occupy high schools, hospitals, any building they put in. There was a woman who gave birth to a baby and…
What a beautiful record to find today! Marriage certificate record for Ana & Panfilo Vinaja, 1942
Hey familia! We’ve combined several versions of the family tree from various people & need your help to be sure it’s accurate. Take a look! Here’s the live link. Email guelfamilyreunion@gmail.com if you have updates or edits! PLEASE NOTE: as you can imagine, this has…
Every year, the day before the family reunion, we share a tradition of making about 850 tacos to share with our extended family the following day. This is important to our generation who remembers countless times where we all had to pitch in to help…
Family Guel photo from 100 years ago As the Guel family continues to grow, migrate, and reconnect online, we are reminded of just how powerful the internet can be as a tool to bring us together over and over again, generation after generation. This website…